May 19 2024 Udemy Android Jetpack Compose The Comprehensive Bootcamp AD-TEAM LEARNING / e-learning - Tutorials 19:00 0 Download Free Download : Udemy Android Jetpack Compose The Comprehensive Bootcampmp4 | Video: h264,1280X720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz Genre:eLearning | Language: English | Size:12.71 GB Files Included :001 Introduction.mp4 (10.07 MB)MP4002 Course Learning Path - Please Watch this.mp4 (1.87 MB)MP4001 Important Message.mp4 (1.15 MB)MP4001 Installing Android Studio and Setup.mp4 (85 MB)MP4003 Creating a Kotlin Module and Running it.mp4 (7.6 MB)MP4004 Kotlin Playground - Online Code Editor.mp4 (4.32 MB)MP4001 Install and Setup Android Studio.mp4 (69.31 MB)MP4002 Create a Kotlin Module in a Android Project.mp4 (9.98 MB)MP4003 Kotlin Playground - Online Code Editor.mp4 (5.24 MB)MP4001 App Demo.mp4 (3.48 MB)MP4002 Setting Up BizCard App - Android Compose Surface Layout and Preview.mp4 (84.26 MB)MP4003 Creating a Card and Changing Its Properties with Modifier.mp4 (59 MB)MP4004 Adding the Profile Image.mp4 (39.63 MB)MP4005 Adding a Column and a Divider.mp4 (35.04 MB)MP4006 [CHALLENGE] - Change Divider's Parameters.mp4 (1.63 MB)MP4007 [CHALLENGE SOLUTION] - Divider Parameters.mp4 (4.89 MB)MP4008 Adding the Card Info Section.mp4 (22.54 MB)MP4009 Adding the Portfolio Button.mp4 (9.46 MB)MP4010 Create the Content Composable Function.mp4 (39.15 MB)MP4011 Adding a LazyColumn Layout and the Toggle Functionality.mp4 (88.38 MB)MP4012 Final Touches to the BizCard App.mp4 (46.21 MB)MP4013 What's Next.mp4 (2.13 MB)MP4001 Section Introduction.mp4 (1.19 MB)MP4002 Kotlin var and val Keywords.mp4 (15.13 MB)MP4003 Initializing Variables.mp4 (10.76 MB)MP4004 Intro to Variable Types - Int and String.mp4 (6.57 MB)MP4005 Basic Types in Kotlin.mp4 (10.21 MB)MP4006 The Long Type.mp4 (4.08 MB)MP4007 Floating Point Types.mp4 (9.94 MB)MP4008 Kotlin Operators.mp4 (9.34 MB)MP4009 Section Summary.mp4 (9.57 MB)MP4001 Section Introduction - Loops and Branching.mp4 (2.15 MB)MP4002 The If Statement and When Expression.mp4 (16.78 MB)MP4003 When Expression - Range.mp4 (4.25 MB)MP4004 The For Loop.mp4 (12.93 MB)MP4001 Section Introduction - Functions.mp4 (1.34 MB)MP4002 Create a Simple Kotlin Function.mp4 (5.87 MB)MP4003 Functions with Int Parameters.mp4 (11.29 MB)MP4004 Adding More Parameters to a Function.mp4 (6.46 MB)MP4005 Default Arguments & Named Arguments.mp4 (69.66 MB)MP4006 Functions and Return Types.mp4 (20.97 MB)MP4007 Returning a Boolean.mp4 (15.57 MB)MP4008 Lambda Expressions - an Introduction.mp4 (19.64 MB)MP4009 [CHALLENGE SOLUTION] - CatAge - To Lambda Expression.mp4 (3.45 MB)MP4010 Using the it Lambda Keyword.mp4 (3.4 MB)MP4011 Lambda Expressions that Return Unit - Void.mp4 (6.55 MB)MP4012 Trailing Lambda.mp4 (20.82 MB)MP4001 Introduction to Collections.mp4 (34.84 MB)MP4002 Invoking Methods on Lists.mp4 (17.72 MB)MP4003 Kotlin Sets and Maps Collections.mp4 (33.28 MB)MP4004 Initializing Lists.mp4 (44.24 MB)MP4005 Empty Collections.mp4 (10.65 MB)MP4006 Collection Filters.mp4 (15.82 MB)MP4007 Section Summary - Collections.mp4 (23.08 MB)MP4001 Introduction to OOP - Create First Class.mp4 (16.18 MB)MP4002 Kotlin Classes and the Primary Constructors.mp4 (18.33 MB)MP4003 The init Block.mp4 (10.6 MB)MP4004 Adding a class Function with Parameters.mp4 (11.09 MB)MP4005 Inheritance and Override.mp4 (40.64 MB)MP4006 Inheritance Design Steps.mp4 (2.88 MB)MP4007 Introduction to Interface Classes.mp4 (6.43 MB)MP4008 Creating an Interface and Using It.mp4 (28.17 MB)MP4009 Extension Functions in Kotlin.mp4 (13.75 MB)MP4010 Remove First and Last Character Extension Function - CHALLENGE SOLUTION.mp4 (5.61 MB)MP4011 Data Class.mp4 (15.04 MB)MP4012 Section Summary - Kotlin OOP.mp4 (5.33 MB)MP4001 Introduction to Generics.mp4 (46.39 MB)MP4002 Using Generics.mp4 (24.85 MB)MP4003 Introduction to Enums and State.mp4 (48.5 MB)MP4004 Improving Enums - Sealed Classes.mp4 (55.5 MB)MP4005 Sealed Classes Creation.mp4 (46.6 MB)MP4001 Introduction - What's Jetpack & Understanding the Imperative Approach.mp4 (34.42 MB)MP4002 Understanding a Compose Project - Basics - Preview and Compose Annotation.mp4 (42.36 MB)MP4003 Creating a Simple Composable Function.mp4 (23.95 MB)MP4004 Modifier and Composable Functions - What are they.mp4 (26.96 MB)MP4005 Creating a Simple Compose App - Create a Circle.mp4 (69.74 MB)MP4006 Adding the Circle into the Main Surface.mp4 (20.74 MB)MP4007 Finishing Up the User Interface.mp4 (36.25 MB)MP4008 Introduction to MutableState - Incrementing a Counter.mp4 (91.95 MB)MP4009 [Imperative vs Declarative Approach] - Thinking in Compose.mp4 (12.47 MB)MP4010 Hoisting the State of Our Money Counter App.mp4 (64.85 MB)MP4011 Section Summary - Jetpack Compose and Paradigm Shift.mp4 (8.04 MB)MP4001 How to Setup an Android Device for Development.mp4 (47.9 MB)MP4001 JetTip App Demo.mp4 (9.95 MB)MP4002 The Structure of JetTip & Setting up the Container Function.mp4 (112.04 MB)MP4003 The TopHeader Function - Finish up.mp4 (88.36 MB)MP4004 Adding the Rounded Border for the Main Content.mp4 (44.91 MB)MP4005 Input Fields - Creating a Customizable InputField Composable Function.mp4 (153.14 MB)MP4006 Showing the Input Field.mp4 (83.26 MB)MP4007 Refactoring the InputField Compose Function.mp4 (34.7 MB)MP4008 Creating Round Icon Buttons.mp4 (196.03 MB)MP4009 Fixing the Input Field Width.mp4 (24.16 MB)MP4010 Adding the TipRow and Slider.mp4 (107.65 MB)MP4011 Finishing up the Slider Composable.mp4 (36.34 MB)MP4012 Incrementing and Decrementing Functions.mp4 (36.97 MB)MP4013 Showing the Tip Percentage on Slide Value Change.mp4 (21.06 MB)MP4014 Calculating the Tip Amount.mp4 (27.88 MB)MP4015 Total per Person Calculations.mp4 (103.35 MB)MP4016 State Hoisting - Code Refactor and Section Summary.mp4 (56.3 MB)MP4001 Section Introduction.mp4 (1.14 MB)MP4002 Understanding the Scaffold Composable.mp4 (28.11 MB)MP4003 Using LazyColum and Showing Movies.mp4 (99.69 MB)MP4004 Make Each Row Clickable.mp4 (37.63 MB)MP4005 Introduction to Navigation Component.mp4 (16.07 MB)MP4006 Setting up the Navigation Structure.mp4 (86.89 MB)MP4007 Setting up Navigation Structure - Home Screen and Details Screen.mp4 (124.46 MB)MP4008 Navigating and Passing Arguments.mp4 (83.44 MB)MP4009 Navigating Back on Back button Clicked.mp4 (11.91 MB)MP4010 Adding the TopAppBar and Back Navigation.mp4 (29.84 MB)MP4011 Navigation Component Summary.mp4 (4.13 MB)MP4001 Adding Movie Data class and Dummy Data.mp4 (77.95 MB)MP4002 Using Coil to Add Images.mp4 (93.8 MB)MP4003 Adding Expand Capability on the Card to show More Info.mp4 (108.07 MB)MP4004 Adding more Movie Info into the Row.mp4 (33.46 MB)MP4005 Finishing Up the Details Screen.mp4 (108.47 MB)MP4006 Section Summary - Movie App Improvements.mp4 (14.65 MB)MP4001 Note App Demo.mp4 (4.35 MB)MP4002 Note App - Project Setup & Creating a TextField.mp4 (99.4 MB)MP4003 Adding TextField and a Button.mp4 (38.3 MB)MP4004 Adding a DataSource Class - Dummy Data.mp4 (38.07 MB)MP4005 Creating a Note Row and Showing Dummy Notes.mp4 (64.42 MB)MP4006 Adding and Removing Notes - Showing them on Screen.mp4 (41.96 MB)MP4007 Managing State and Data in Compose - Introduction to ViewModel.mp4 (6.83 MB)MP4008 Creating a ViewModel and Implementing It.mp4 (133.53 MB)MP4001 What We'll do.mp4 (2.72 MB)MP4002 Understanding Android ROOM and Dependency Injection (DI) Hilt & Dagger.mp4 (3.47 MB)MP4004 Understanding DI (Dependency Injection) and Its Advantages.mp4 (27.42 MB)MP4005 Manual DI vs Hilt.mp4 (2.52 MB)MP4006 Setup Hilt Dependencies in Gradle.mp4 (39.09 MB)MP4007 Setting up App Hilt AppModule and the NoteApplicatio Component.mp4 (21.43 MB)MP4008 The Android ROOM Database Architecture.mp4 (10.9 MB)MP4009 Adding ROOM and Coroutine Dependencies to Project.mp4 (25.21 MB)MP4010 Creating a Note Entity.mp4 (13.76 MB)MP4011 Creating a RoomDatabase Class and DAO.mp4 (41.34 MB)MP4012 Understanding Coroutines and Suspend Functions.mp4 (15.24 MB)MP4013 Adding Flow State to getNotes Functions.mp4 (14.18 MB)MP4014 Adding Providers in AppModule Class.mp4 (49.42 MB)MP4015 Creating the Repository Class.mp4 (57.74 MB)MP4016 Updating the NoteViewModel Class.mp4 (74.65 MB)MP4017 Testing the NoteApp with the ROOM Database.mp4 (71.42 MB)MP4018 Adding TypeConverters and getting the App to Work.mp4 (112.25 MB)MP4019 Section Summary.mp4 (7.4 MB)MP4001 JetTrivia app Demo.mp4 (7.96 MB)MP4002 Setting up the Project - adding all dependencies.mp4 (25.52 MB)MP4003 The Trivia JSON Payload.mp4 (9.07 MB)MP4004 Setup the App Structure - Adding Retrofit Dependencies.mp4 (76.23 MB)MP4005 Adding Hilt Classes and Retrofit.mp4 (72.03 MB)MP4006 Creating a Wrapper Class for Emitting Metadata.mp4 (34.61 MB)MP4007 Finishing up the Repository Class.mp4 (30.65 MB)MP4008 Creating the ViewModel Class.mp4 (49.46 MB)MP4009 Testing our ViewModel and Logging Trivia Questions.mp4 (71.56 MB)MP4010 Refactoring Code and Showing the Progress Bar.mp4 (18.93 MB)MP4011 Creating the UI - Question Tracker Composable.mp4 (34.66 MB)MP4012 Creating UI - Dotted Line Composable.mp4 (55.31 MB)MP4013 Creating UI - Radio Button Row.mp4 (52.44 MB)MP4014 Creating UI - Radio Button Row & Checking Answers.mp4 (141.44 MB)MP4015 Finishing up the Logic - App Working.mp4 (118.08 MB)MP4016 Create a Score Meter.mp4 (49.26 MB)MP4017 Finalizing the Score Meter.mp4 (41.54 MB)MP4018 Getting Total Question Count.mp4 (11.16 MB)MP4019 Section Summary.mp4 (1.79 MB)MP4001 Weather Forecast App Demo.mp4 (46.58 MB)MP4002 Setting up Project and Adding All Gradle Dependencies.mp4 (55.32 MB)MP4004 OpenWeather - Getting the API Key.mp4 (8.58 MB)MP4005 Setting up Packages and DI Structures.mp4 (21.59 MB)MP4006 Setting Up App Navigation - Splash Screen - Part 1.mp4 (85.25 MB)MP4007 Showing the SplashScreen - Navigation Setup Continuation.mp4 (19.07 MB)MP4008 Putting together the Splash Screen UI.mp4 (79.34 MB)MP4009 Splash Screen Animation and Navigating to Main Screen.mp4 (105.35 MB)MP4010 What We've Done So Far.mp4 (18.61 MB)MP4011 Setting up Model Classes.mp4 (87.36 MB)MP4012 Setting up the Weather API Interface for Retrofit - HTTP Library.mp4 (65.05 MB)MP4013 Creating the Main ViewModel and the Repository Classes.mp4 (85.97 MB)MP4014 Setting up the ViewModel and Retrieving JSON Payload.mp4 (181.04 MB)MP4015 Setting up the AppBar - Part 1.mp4 (106.97 MB)MP4016 Finalizing the WeatherAppBar.mp4 (58.59 MB)MP4017 Creating the Main Screen Widgets - Top Circle.mp4 (120.73 MB)MP4018 Creating the Main Screen - Finalizing the Top Circle and Data.mp4 (41 MB)MP4019 Adding Humidity Wind and Pressure Row.mp4 (53.28 MB)MP4020 Creating the Sunset and Sunrise Row.mp4 (56.7 MB)MP4021 Weather Detail Row.mp4 (113.33 MB)MP4022 Finalizing the Weather Detail Row and the Main Screen.mp4 (65.92 MB)MP4023 Refactoring the Code.mp4 (16.97 MB)MP4024 Break - What We've Done So far.mp4 (3.71 MB)MP4025 Setting up the Search Field in Search Screen.mp4 (158.1 MB)MP4026 Passing the City Name Back to Main Screen and Showing the Forecast Data.mp4 (111.45 MB)MP4027 Setting up the Dialog and the Dropdown Menu.mp4 (119.58 MB)MP4028 Navigating to About, Favorites and Settings & Creating the About Screen.mp4 (94.94 MB)MP4029 Introduction to ROOM and Favorite Screen Structure.mp4 (9.33 MB)MP4030 Creating a Favorite Entity and DAO Class.mp4 (103.77 MB)MP4031 Setting up Room Database and Repository.mp4 (112.93 MB)MP4032 Creating the FavoriteViewModel Class.mp4 (89.02 MB)MP4033 Adding the Favorite Icon and Saving Favorite Cities to Database.mp4 (119.57 MB)MP4034 Showing all Favorite Cities.mp4 (136.75 MB)MP4035 Showing a Toast Message when a City is Saved.mp4 (85.64 MB)MP4036 Break - What We've Done So Far - Next up The Settings Screen.mp4 (4.14 MB)MP4037 Creating the Settings View Model.mp4 (109.85 MB)MP4038 Putting Together the Settings Screen.mp4 (41.06 MB)MP4039 Saving Measurement Units to the Database.mp4 (82.16 MB)MP4040 Adding a Default Unit.mp4 (24.11 MB)MP4041 Showing Metric and Imperial Units in Main Screen - Final Touches.mp4 (123.89 MB)MP4042 Weather Forecast App Summary.mp4 (2.93 MB)MP4001 Reader App Demo.mp4 (103.51 MB)MP4002 Firebase Setup.mp4 (81.42 MB)MP4003 Setting up Hilt and adding More dependencies.mp4 (17.62 MB)MP4004 Saving a User to Firestore Database - Test User.mp4 (41.16 MB)MP4005 Setting Up Di - Dependency Injection with Hilt.mp4 (14.26 MB)MP4006 Structuring the Project and Adding all Screen Composables.mp4 (25.22 MB)MP4007 Setting up the ReaderScreen Enum & App Routing.mp4 (26.82 MB)MP4008 Creating the Navigation Composables & Adding NavController and NavHost Classes.mp4 (32.92 MB)MP4009 Using the Navigation to Show the SplashScreen.mp4 (24.7 MB)MP4010 Creating the Splash Screen.mp4 (30.76 MB)MP4011 Animating the Splash Screen.mp4 (61.52 MB)MP4012 Navigating to Login Screen.mp4 (36.05 MB)MP4013 Creating the User Form Composable.mp4 (77.99 MB)MP4014 Setting up the Email InputField.mp4 (76.41 MB)MP4015 Setting up the User Form.mp4 (97.7 MB)MP4016 Showing Login Form and Login Button.mp4 (57.28 MB)MP4017 Finishing Login and Create Account Logic.mp4 (114.37 MB)MP4018 Section Summary.mp4 (2.59 MB)MP4001 Section Introduction - Firebase Auth.mp4 (174.22 KB)MP4002 Setting up FirebaseAuth - Login Users.mp4 (102.87 MB)MP4003 Signing User In to Firebase.mp4 (67.08 MB)MP4004 Creating a User in Firebase Auth.mp4 (39.42 MB)MP4005 Saving a User to Firestore when Users are Created.mp4 (50.21 MB)MP4006 Bypassing the Login Screen If User is Authenticated Already.mp4 (14.44 MB)MP4007 Creating the MUser Model.mp4 (50.21 MB)MP4008 Section Summary.mp4 (5.22 MB)MP4001 Section Introduction - Home Screen.mp4 (459.02 KB)MP4002 Creating the Top App Bar - Logo and Title.mp4 (71.46 MB)MP4003 Adding the Logout Icon and Sign out User.mp4 (21.89 MB)MP4004 Adding the TopReading Section.mp4 (36.86 MB)MP4005 Finishing up the Top Section - Reading and User Profile.mp4 (62.11 MB)MP4006 Creating a Book Listcard.mp4 (94.26 MB)MP4007 Adding the Rating and Title and Author Structures to List Card.mp4 (54.5 MB)MP4008 The ListCard - Showing on Screen.mp4 (47.81 MB)MP4009 Showing an Image on the List Card.mp4 (20.04 MB)MP4010 Creating the Reading List Area and Adding Dummy Books.mp4 (88.31 MB)MP4011 Finalizing the Home Screen (For now).mp4 (968.02 KB)MP4001 Section Introduction - Search Screen.mp4 (2.04 MB)MP4002 Adding the TopBar of Search Screen.mp4 (33.24 MB)MP4003 Adding the Search TextField.mp4 (77.17 MB)MP4004 Search Screen UI Setup Finished.mp4 (96.65 MB)MP4005 Setting up Retrofit and Hilt DI - Part 1.mp4 (140.89 MB)MP4006 Setting up the Repository and Data Wrapper Class.mp4 (50.59 MB)MP4007 Retrieving Books from the Book API.mp4 (105.03 MB)MP4008 Loading Books in a Composable & Instantiating a HiltViewModel.mp4 (66.71 MB)MP4009 Setting Up Repository.mp4 (71.18 MB)MP4010 Creating the BookSearch ViewModel.mp4 (42.98 MB)MP4011 Testing the BookSearch ViewModel and Showing Books on Screen.mp4 (120.52 MB)MP4012 Adding a isLoading Progress Indicator.mp4 (18.01 MB)MP4013 Finishing up the Search Screen UI.mp4 (23.81 MB)MP4014 Section Summary - Search Book Screen.mp4 (3.65 MB)MP4001 Book Details Screen.mp4 (1.39 MB)MP4002 Creating the Details Screen and Passing a Book Id.mp4 (48.67 MB)MP4003 Retrieving a Book Data from ViewModel - Introduction to ProduceState.mp4 (107.43 MB)MP4004 Setting up the Details Screen - Adding Image and Title.mp4 (65.46 MB)MP4005 Adding the Book Description.mp4 (70.31 MB)MP4006 Adding the Save and Cancel Buttons & Creating the MBook model Class.mp4 (68.63 MB)MP4007 Saving a Book to Firestore Database.mp4 (34.26 MB)MP4008 Section Summary - Book Details and Saving Book to Firestore.mp4 (12.48 MB)MP4001 Section Intro - Home Screen - Showing Saved Books.mp4 (1.21 MB)MP4002 Setting up FireRepository.mp4 (74.93 MB)MP4003 Retrieving and Showing User Books in Home Screen.mp4 (73.59 MB)MP4004 Setting up the Update Screen.mp4 (56.98 MB)MP4005 Adding the Top Part of the Book Update Screen.mp4 (87.33 MB)MP4006 Adding a Note TextField.mp4 (36.13 MB)MP4007 Adding the Start and Finished Reading TextButtons.mp4 (73.62 MB)MP4008 Adding the Rating Bar.mp4 (82.11 MB)MP4009 Updating a Book.mp4 (88.43 MB)MP4010 Formatting the Date and Showing a Toast Message.mp4 (53.67 MB)MP4011 Adding AlertDialog on Delete Button Clicked.mp4 (55.46 MB)MP4012 Section Summary - Update Screen.mp4 (1.53 MB)MP4001 Section Introduction - Home Screen Book - Filtering.mp4 (2.33 MB)MP4002 Filtering Books into Read and Not yet Categories.mp4 (80.76 MB)MP4003 The Book Stats Screen - Showing Read and Reading Book Number.mp4 (90.32 MB)MP4004 Finishing the Stats Screen.mp4 (64.92 MB)MP4005 Final Touches on the App.mp4 (34.39 MB)MP4006 [FIX] Book Rating Not Showing.mp4 (9.6 MB)MP4001 Next Steps.mp4 (7.92 MB)MP4 Free search engine download: Udemy Android Jetpack Compose The Comprehensive Bootcamp Related News Sql–Mysql Complete Master Bootcamp | Beginner-Expert (2023)Jetpack Compose & Kotlin & Java For Android App DevelopmentUdemy - The Ultimate React Course (2024) React, Next js, Redux & MoreUdemy The Ultimate (2024) Fullstack Web Development BootcampCBTNuggets Cisco CCNP Data Center 350-601 DCCOR Comments (0)Add comment Submit NEWEST RELEASES 07.10: Syncovery Premium (x64) 07.10: Zortam Mp3 Media Studio Pro 32.05 Multilingual 07.10: Cutting Optimization Pro Multilingual 07.10: iFind Data Recovery Enterprise Multilingual 07.10: Draftable Desktop 24.9.100 07.10: Tagtraum Industries beaTunes 5.2.35 07.10: WinCatalog 2024.8.1.1002 Multilingual 07.10: Soundevice Digital TrapTune v1.8 07.10: Lucion FileCenter Suite 12.0.21 07.10: Easy Gamer Utility Pro 1.3.43 Recommended Filehosts Freinds Site